How to match your tie with your suit: the tips

There are times when you have to showcase your masculinity to the extreme with a great suit for a wedding, or a fancy date or a work event. No matter the occasion, adorning suits with matching gold ties not only makes you look sophisticated and amazing, but the look created is all about the awesomeness that you create while you walk into the room. For someone who is a regular with suits and polka dot ties, know how easy and adorable look it creates but if you are new to the arena of wearing suits and matching ties to it. 

Always remember to match your tie to your clothes, never match your clothes to the tie. In a suit, there are two colors, the core color, and the accent color. The core color is the color of the suit coat if you are wearing a coat but if you are not adding one, then the shirt and pants become the core color. Ties like the black and gold ties and always constituted in accent colors. 

Always test the matching of a suit and tie in the mirror before you walk out of the door to see if everything is matching in the right quantities. 

The colors of the tie you pick depend on the type of vibe you want to create and the type of party you are going to. Go with hot colors if you want to convey boldness and excitement and neutral ones if you just want to be a part of the celebration. 

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